Abbey Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1JU

01271 342579

Pilton Infants' School


Caterpillars and Butterflies 

During the end of the summer term each class had a set of caterpillars which they watched develop. The Reception children learnt about the basic life cycle of a butterfly. The Year One and Year Two children found out about different types of butterflies. They researched what they eat and described the life cycle using scientific vocabulary such as 'chrysalis' and 'pupa'. The children enjoyed releasing the butterflies into our secret garden. The picture below shows how the Year One children painted a 'Painted Lady' butterfly and made an information booklet about them. 

Seasonal Change

Year 1 went on an Autumn Walk. We hunted for signs of Autumn. We found conkers, coloured leaves and trees loosing leaves. We are currently looking for the early signs of Spring. Can your child tell you about any early signs of spring that they can see around them?



Animals and their Habitats

The Year One children visited Springfield Farm to find out about farm animals and what they do for us.  

Animals and their Habitats

In Year Two the children have been busy designing and making a suitable habitat for an animal. 





This term the children in Key Stage One are learning about materials. They will be grouping materials and carrying out experiments to find out about different types of materials. 

You can help at home by asking your child to name everyday materials. Can they spot materials around the house? Why are objects made from different materials? 

In Year One we have been talking about how these materials would not be useful for the intended use. Can your child see why? What do they notice? A teapot made from chocolate. A hammer made from glass. A shoe made from cardboard.