Abbey Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1JU

01271 342579

Pilton Infants' School


As a child at Pilton Infants' School reasoning, fluency and problem solving are at the heart of our Mathematics curriculum. Teachers and staff take part in projects yearly alongside Babcock or NCTEM and like the children we are ever learning. The vast majority of children are expected to move through the curriculum at the same pace.  This may make it seem like learning is slower paced than previously. Children who are working well behind ARE are provided with more tailored teaching from a previous year’s curriculum However, rather than accelerate too rapidly, time is taken to deepen children’s understanding so that it is embedded for the next stage of their learning. In the video below Mr. Mortimer and Miss Holme speak about how research has influenced our approach to maths at school. The event was part of 'Maths is More...', which was led by White Rose Maths and NCTEM hubs to a wider audience online. 


Our Intent consists of Intent 1: Develop all pupils’ fluency with numbers, number facts and associated language. and Intent 2: Develop all pupils’ language, skills and knowledge to be able to reason about their ideas. 


As a school our curriculum supports the children to learn in depth. Our curriculum is based on the White Rose overview from EYFS - KS1. In KS1 we focus on 'Diving Deeper', this means we look for the children to deepen their learning through explaining it to someone else, finding a rule or through finding non - examples, see more below. This mastery approach allows our children to reason and problem solve using what they had learnt previously. The curriculum allows staff to focus on core elements of the curriculum such as addition and subtraction, but the nature of the curriculum also allows time to rehearse and revise previous elements studied. 


Staff have been a part of many projects alongside NCTEM and Babcock including research on the Number line, rekenrek action research and collaborative lesson researches with schools around Devon. The support of external providers have enabled staff members to continue to include these projects as part of their practice. Our staff members have delivered ITE sessions around Devon and have helped to contribute to wider research. 

Subject Progression

Calculation policy at Pilton Infants'

How do you dive deeper? 

We believe all children should progress through the maths curriculum using a mastery approach. To do this children are encouraged to think about their maths in different ways. We include a dive deeper in all lessons for the children to deepen their understanding in maths.

How do you dive deeper?

Maths Policy